附四 ( Our loved …
作者:凝心      更新:2017-12-19 12:26      字数:1128

r loved teacher


s ourglish teacher. She isll, bshoris beautiful, especially her character. She is very kill love her. Her hair is very beautifulsly long but also straighlooks like a black waterfall. Since takp teachr class in 2009,been praised for many times.

s goodr, especially wrvels and poetry, both EngliChiis also crazy for her career.

s kind ,easyd enligr cllively and interesShe is always with *ilr face just like brigine. Although we often break disciplinelass, sheforgive us from her heart becrry we break disciplirealize our fault and correrquickly.

nth time has gone,firshly ehe result of our clbad, blrt or confidence fore always encouragy hard.

believke great progressr studyhe future with her help.

gcher and friend,s respecloved by all of us.

September 30th, 2009

